My Cousin Tim has a bit coming up in an episode of House. I believe the episode is called "Big Baby" and it airs January 26th. Hear that Beth? We are so watching house. So anyway, the episode starts out with a special ed teacher having a coughing fit and two young boys with Down syndrome run in to hug her. My cousin Tim is the first little boy. (I say little but if I recall correctly Tim is now eight... not so little anymore.) That is, of course, as long as his take didn't get cut. Cross your fingers... I want to see my buddy on TV!
We'll have to download it the next day and watch it the following night as we...um...well...we uh...don't have cable here. :)
Is that when the season starts up again or has it already and I've been missing it?
Gaa! You're almost here!
Season starts this week!
Do you have a TV that gets digital channels? If you do, you should get a digital antenna... that's all we have (cable is WAY too expensive if you ask me) and we get all the standard channels. They cost less than $40.
Duuuude! We LOVE House over here! I'll be watching for Tim. Go buddy, go!
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