

I honestly think I am a good mom.
----I almost feel like that's taboo; what with all the "bad mom" confession websites and the Oprah specials, et al.
----My kids is well fed, (usually) bathed and incredibly loved. Who cares if there are toys all over my living room? Or that there are dishes in my sink? I have a busy toddler!

I don't do my hair and makeup (or work out) often enough.
----I know a woman I met in Germany, who always looks so effortlessly stylish, is active and spends lots of time outdoors and at the beach. She awakens a little gremlin inside of me that says I am such a frump so not with it!

My kid dresses cuter than I do.
----I have a new rule that when I buy clothes, I am not allowed to purchase plain t-shirts.
----Though it's not like I buy clothes all that often, so it's a slow battle to become more stylish.

Tha's all for now. Thanks for listening.

I feel a bit better.

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