
Today's Highlights

Happy Mother's Day to all my Mommy, Grandmommy, and Godmommy friends! (Yes, that means you too Kaitlin!)

This morning Jacob and Lily got up early and let me sleep in. :) And the coffee was ready when I got up... just the way I like it.

We spent most of the day just hanging out around the house, playing on the floor, dancing to the radio and whatever else Lil could come up with.

I did get to water and weed my garden in the quiet while Lily napped this morning, which was nice.

Then when she got up Lily did the vacuuming for me. It sure does take a long time to finish when she decides to help.... But someday I'll want her to do it all by herself, so it wouldn't do to discourage her now. At least she's not afraid of it's noise.

And after a spaghetti dinner, we shared a blow-pop, yum!

Now Lele is in bed and Jake and I are going to watch The Dark Night.

What a lovely day. :)

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