
Nothing Exciting

It's Monday. I did catch-up laundry today... the stuff I didn't get to over the weekend.

Lily learned the sign for "eat" today. :) So we finally have a distinction between "milk" (nursing) and actual food. Thank goodness!

Lil also learned how to climb up on the couch all by herself! It never ceases to amaze me that I can figuratively watch the wheels spinning in her head as she learns new stuff every day. So cool.

I've borrowed the second book in the Twilight series from a friend, so the couch is calling. ;)


Anonymous said...

Okay so PLEASE tell me what you think of the Twilight series. I'm about to read the fourth book and I feel so discredited as an intellectual that I like it so much. I wanted to hate it. I tried to hate it. I really do think the writing is terrible and the two main characters are one-dimensional. The only character I think is well-done is Jake. Good grief, I love Jake. I find Edward paternalistic and manipulative (not to mention the creepy stalker sexualization) and I think Bella is illogical and annoying. But in spite of it all I like the whole thing SO, SO MUCH.

Sara, save my dignity. Tell me I'm not alone.


Anonymous said...

Loved loved Twilight! I just borrowed the movie fro my babysitter too - a bit slow but still good!

Julie Danielle said...

I loved Twilight too :)