

I spoke too soon. We had a pretty good day, but after dinner the fever came back. Makes for a long night. I know a fever is the body's way of helping to fight off invaders, but at the same time I don't want my girl to be uncomfortable. So I fought with myself back and forth about giving her motrin to bring the fever down or just letting it do it's thing. Mostly I just wiped her down with a wet washcloth... which she HATED!

WebMD says the degree of the fever isn't as important as the other symptoms that accompany it. She is a little cranky when she is with me and just wants to cuddle when she is with Jacob. I guess I shouldn't be all that concerned; yet. WebMD also says "A fever in a healthy child is usually not dangerous, especially if the child does not have other symptoms and the fever goes away in 3 to 4 days." So now we play the waiting game.

I'll keep you posted.

Otherwise, enjoy the Superbowl... or the commercials... or both. ;)


Julie Danielle said...

I hope everything is ok. I usually try not to give anything unless it is over 102. Then if it doesn't bring it down I get concerned. It's hard though. Fevers scare me overall :(

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding? I used to LOVE cold washcloths for my fevers.