
Girl Scout Cookies!

It's Girl Scout Cookie season! I think I only bought eight boxes so far. ;) But who's counting?

I'm loving the new Daisy Go Rounds, they're a lovely little cinnamon cookie that I can share with Lily. And of course the Peanut Butter Patties and the Caramel deLites. (weren't those once called samoas?) I also very much enjoy the Lemonades! But my favorite, without a doubt, is the Thin Mint. We buy extra boxes of them and stash them in the freezer, cause you know, those Girl Scouts eventually stop selling the goodness. :(

I think the Thin Mints are Lily's favorite too:

1 comment:

Gramma V said...

What a HOOT!
I've bought 10 boxes so far!
And I'm sure there'll be more!