
The one where I tell you much more than you want to know

Many of you know about my bra issues... because lets face it, my life is an open book and I have a really hard time keeping my mouth shut. If you think you should... you might want to stop reading here.

I've been on a quest of late, to find bras that fit properly since I am back to my pre pregnancy weight but still have nursing breasts. When I was nine months pregnant I was wearing a 36DD with no problems. I switched to nursing bras for a few weeks but found that they gave me very little support so I went back to my "normal" bras. Well as I lost the baby weight my ribcage became smaller but my breasts did not. I had one 34DD bra in my drawer (probably because bra sizes can sometimes be hard to find, and I had to have something) and that quickly became my favorite.

Recently, my 34 band has been riding up in the back and it feels like I am getting very little support. So I started looking into bra fitting... you know, how to measure for your size... and I found several different methods.

  1. There is the measure around your back above your breasts for you band size and then measure around the fullness of your bust and subtract the band number to determine your cup size, 1=A, 2=B, 3=C and so forth. (This would make me a 38B, which I can tell you right now is not even funny.)

  2. There is the measure around your rib cage just below your breast and add inches (varying from 3-6 depending on the site you are reading) to get your band size followed by the measure around the fullness of your bust and subtract the band number to determine your cup size. (That could give me a 34DD, which is what I am currently unhappy with.)

  3. There is the measure around your rib cage just below your breast to get your band size followed by the measure around the fullness of your bust and subtract the band number to determine your cup size. (Which gives me a 32H.)

Well, under normal circumstances one would go out and try these things on. But seeing as most stores don't carry (let alone think about) anything outside the 32-38 A-DD (SPECIAL NOTE: 32 band size only for A and sometimes B cups) range I was not going to be able to do that. I started looking for specialty shops but the closest ones are two and three hours away from here.

In my web-surfing I did find a shop in South Carolina with a website and an email fit consultant. I explained my situation to her and she recommended the 32H (well 32FF because its a British made bra) if I was going to continue nursing or the 32G (32F for all you Brits) if I thought I might be slowing or stopping soon.

Well folks, I bit the bullet and ordered the 32G. Partly because I just couldn't order a 32H, (but really what is the difference?!) and partly because I have "shallow" breasts. Don't ask... I heard it on Oprah.

...No really, you can ask... I'll explain if you really want to know.

Anywho, for those of you with quick mental math, be assured I have no intention of weaning Lily just yet. And yes, that is a whole other blog entry.

So the bra arrived today... and I love it!!!

There isn't much better than a great fitting bra! Well that's not true, there is chocolate... and potatoes... and other wonderful things. (Why are my wonderful things always food related?)

But I digress.

If you have any question in your mind at all about your current bra size, may I recommend fitting method number three? And if you're lucky enough to be able to go out to a store and try that baby on, I am so jealous!

Now for you curious folk... the before and after shots. Front and Side.


Anonymous said...

Good lord and I thought I had trouble. I will have to try the new meaurement because I've been losing due to the running. I also highly recommend the fit people at Nordstroms if you have one nearby.

Good luck!

Beth said...

Hooray for well fitting bras! I'm glad you were able to find one, and it's one that you love.

Brittany Oldham Przybyla said...

Hey, we want to see the pics of the bra!! Hubba Hubba! I'm just jealous. I was finally a B when I was nursing.