
Health News

So far, there is no fever this morning! Yay! The last few mornings were the worst, and the fever would taper off during the day. But this morning she feels cool to the touch. Well, cooler; she's not like ice or anything. So Lily seems to be doing better. She's even napping sweetly right now.

Jacob on the other hand, called me from the health clinic yesterday at 4:50, needing a ride home because whatever they gave him in an IV made him sleepy. Why did he need an IV you ask? Because he woke up nauseated and couldn't keep anything down all day. Poor guy. Though it does irritate me that he doesn't know what they gave him... nor does he seem to care. We got him home and he went straight to bed and he didn't get up until 5:00 this morning; when he promptly decided to go right back to bed. I bundled Lil up and we just took him into work about an hour ago (since his car was still at work).

I am currently fine, thanks for asking :) Though I'm not holding my breath that I will stay that way....


Anonymous said...

I'm glad everyone is feeling better and that you didn't get sick! They probably gave Jacob an anti-emetic like Phenergan. That always knocks me down for the rest of the day. Good stuff, though. Really works.

Hey, that lovely purse you made? Wanna make one for me? Or send me the pattern? ;-)


Ells said...

oh man, what a time you've had of it! Hope everyone finishes up with the sickies soon!