
Gum Friendly Foods

I have an almost 11 month old who prefers to feed herself. Trouble is she only has two teeth. :(

She'll eat just about anything we are eating, but will only take bites from our food for so long before she wants her own. And left to her own devices, she stuffs her mouth in .5 nanoseconds and then proceeds to choke. Gerber Graduate finger foods are wonderful, but how long can I feed my kid yogurt melts, puffs and cheerios? I'm afraid at the rate I feed her sweet potato "fries", she's going to end up hating sweet potato! Any ideas?

Or (am I a neat freak?) do I just give in and let every meal be a "messy" meal and let her feed herself pureed stuff?



Beth said...

Deacon never let his lack of teeth stop him from eating whatever he pleased. She'll be fine. Let her make a mess. The sink is right there when she's finished. :)

Oh, AND the books and growth chart came yesterday. THANK YOU!! You are the best.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Beth, she'll be fine. I made the mistake with Wes of worrying too much about him choking so I gave him baby food forever - big mistake. Meg eats everything we do, i just cut it up, and let her have at it. She has teeth just under her gums that can mash the hell out of food -you'd be surprised. Good luck!