It's my mom's birthday today. Happy Birthday Mom!
She celebrated with my dad, brother, sister and sister's husband last night. They all had a part in making her dinner. Mmmmm, ribs and beans and potato salad! And of course cake....
For a present this year, I sent my mom a set of measuring spoons. But not your regular 1/4tsp-1tbsp set. These are muffin measuring spoons, for the mini, regular and mega muffin pans. 1/8, 1/4 and 1/2 cup measures.
Why? You might ask. I have a set, and I used to live with my mom, and when I moved away I took mine with me. This made her sad, so I got her her own set.
Love you Mom! Happy Birthday!
oooh, great idea!
Happy Birthday Grandma Vera!
Josh, Beth, Zeke and Deacon :)
Happy Birthday Grandma Vera! And may you have many, many more happy returns of the day!
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