
I Thought I Was Sooooo Smart

Last Monday, if you will recall, I lamented that our AC was out and that I would be calling the housing office first thing Tuesday morning.

I shut the air conditioner off Monday evening and left it off so as not to cause more damage.

And I called as soon as they opened at 8:00am. And I got the answering machine. So I called back in 5 minutes thinking they had just gotten into the office, and maybe my clocks are fast. And I got the machine. So I called back at ten after. Same machine. I called every ten minutes or so until 8:40 when I was quite frustrated and I thought I'd just go look in the breaker box one more time. Everything still looked normal. But I manually flipped the AC switch just for the heck of it... maybe it would reset it? And I turned the air conditioner back on to see what would happen.

Everything was back to normal! Yay! Just a little tinkering and I had fixed it....

Okay, I didn't really believe that. I was cautiously optimistic however.

Fast forward to today, when Lil and I got up from our afternoon nap and the living room was 79 degrees. :( The AC is broke again.

This time I didn't wait around, I called Picerne Housing right away. They sent someone out to look at the system. There is ice all over the pipes in the compressor unit and the control unit in the water heater closet. (I didn't think to look there!) All I had done last week was allow the pipes to thaw out over night, and when I turned the system back on in the morning it was fine. That is, until we had another cool night allowing the pipes to freeze over again.

So there is nothing he can do to diagnose the situation until the pipes thaw out again.

We are AC-less.

At least its only 85 out today. And it's only supposed to be 74 tomorrow. Just cool enough for it to be tough for the maintenance guy to check the freon levels.

Go figure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ugh! This happened to us in KY! The entire unit would freeze, we would turn it off, hose it down, they would put new AC freezer stuff in it, and it would happen again in a week or two. Luckily it is starting to cool down now though:) Good luck, maybe they'll replace it for you!