
"I'm Bored"

My not-yet-two-year-old has decided it is my job to keep her entertained. I can just hear her whining, "Mom, I'm bored!" even if she doesn't have the words yet.

This morning was interesting. She has a pair of velcro shoes that she can get on all by herself. So this morning I walked into the kitchen to find her, shoes on, still in her pajamas, knocking on the door because she was ready to go out. It was 8:00! Mass doesn't start until 9:30. So what do we do? We spent an hour at the park. Bright and early. Killing time before church started.

We came home after mass for naptime and promptly (after lunch) went right back out to run errands, stopping at Target, Lowe's and Joann's. I was worn out so I figured she must be too. Not so much.

"Book, book?" (Read me books.)

"Block?" (Build my block tower.) "More?" (Again.) "More?" (Again.)

and the new fav "Dor?" "Dor?" (Can we watch Dora?) Thanks to Netflix we can instantly stream Dora (and Kipper, Thomas and Angelina too) episodes whenever we want.

I do not think it is unreasonable to think she can play by herself for a little bit without needing outside stimulation. But she sure does!

It's currently naptime. I hope she wakes up a little less needy.


Anonymous said...

Is she still napping 2x a day for you?1? Do you have a special converter box to watch netflix for free on your tv, or just use it on your computer?

Sara said...

Blessedly I still get two naps a day! Just about an hour each.

We have and X-Box (and X-Box live membership) that allows us to watch netflixs on our TV. Pretty nice for about 15 bucks a month... you'd spend that on three videos at a rental store.)