
Dear Friends

I have such dear friends! Thank you for all your well wishes, thoughts and prayers! I know most of us are far apart, but I can still feel all the love that's been sent our way over the last couple of days. :)

Jacob passed through Maine on his way out yesterday. There's a group that takes pictures of all the soldiers that pass through and posts them on the internet:

Lil totally got a kick out of seeing Daddy on the computer. (Even though she's seen hundreds of pictures of him on the screen before.)

On a happy note, my back feels better than it did yesterday! I was afraid it was going to be more like a month before I felt better but at this rate maybe the Dr was right and it will clear up in about a week. Now, if I can just keep from re-injuring it....


The Perkins Family said...

Sara, I've been sort of blog-stalking you for awhile now... If you need anything at all, please don't hesitate to call me! I'm only about 15 minutes from post. I know that you're super busy right now but I'd love to get together sometime. I'll be keeping you and your family in my prayers.

Ells said...

we're thinking of you and praying for you, my friend! May the time fly until you are together again!

Anonymous said...

I get a kick out of seeing the "black" and "white" on their shirts ;) !