
Ok Seriously

Try to keep from laughing... I dare you.

Two minutes plus of Lily chattering away.

Okay seriously, don't watch the whole thing unless you're really bored or love us as if you were related by blood, cause it goes on and on and on. And that's just the clip... she went on long before and long after the camera was on.

(Sometimes I think it looks like a badly dubbed foreign film!)

I know she's trying to tell me something... just what, I haven't quite figured out.


Ells said...

She's so much fun! I have never seen such creative and articulate mouth shapes... she's becoming quite the conversationalist!

Meagan said...

Too cute. I wonder if Lily is looking at you think "wow Mommy makes crazy mouth movements and yet I can not understand what she is saying".

Niki said...

Jack watched your video and he said he totally agrees with Lily! His peanut butter and jelly sandwich said the same thing to him once and he reacted the same way. :-)

Love when they adorable!

Beth said...

Yeah, that's too cute! I can't wait for Josh to get home from work so I can make him watch it too. What fun!

Anonymous said...

OMG! When you asked if Lily knew that you loved her, it sounded like she said, "No, but I swear that *gibberish*"