

I just got home from a last minute "the boss is taking the special speakers (who came in to talk to our battalion) out to dinner" outing. For whatever reason, I managed to convince myself that I would get out of there at a somewhat decent hour; call me naive. I just put my little girl to bed an hour and a half late.

And I feel guilty. :(

To make matters worse we ate outside, in the hot, sticky humidity. The car said 87 degrees on my drive home at a quarter to nine. Which had me a little cranky.

And I'm pretty tired.

So whatever it was that I brilliantly thought I would blog about tonight has completely left me and I'm going to bed.


Anonymous said...

Sorry about the bad night - hope tomorrow let's you sleep in and is cooler:)

Meagan said...

And why did you not pull out the pregnancy card? I used it to get out of all sorts of stuff.