
Fast Results

So I was a good girl and went in to do the fasting three hour glucose test first thing this morning.

Ugh, that is so not my favorite drink ever! I had the orange this time. The grape is the worst, the lemon-lime was tolerable and I've never had the strawberry.

They took my last draw shortly before 11:00. I went and picked up the kids and brought them home for lunch. (I was HUNGRY!) At 12:45 the Nurse Practitioner called me to tell me my numbers were fine!


Talk about some quick results. I almost feel bad for griping about them not doing a glucose reading while you are there... almost.

(BTW, they did do a glucose metering right away, though they still wouldn't share the results with me, and then they sent the rest of the vial to the main laboratory for confirmation. I asked.)

1 comment:

Linda said...

I am the WORST BLOG-READER EVER which is why I was so surprised to read your comment over at Beth's blog along the lines of "...planned BOTH her pregnancies." (empahsis mine) AGH! CONGRATS! I now have to read literally seventy blog entries!

I'm so happy for you guys!
