

She has figured out how to climb up in the infant swing and turn it on... all by herself! Oh, and start the lullaby function too.

Good thing she only weighs 20lbs!


Beth said...

Hee hee hee. Just wait until you have that new baby in there. :) The amount of fun it's going to be watching you have two just tuned itself to 11. I can't wait.

(And you know I say that with all the love in the world, right?)

Niki said...

Our kids are smarter than we think!!! Jack figured out how to turn on his bedroom light using a broom the other day. How's Lily doing with the other baby in the house? She's going to be a great big sister!!
How are you feeling?? Congrats on the results of your nasty glucose test. That thing was terrible and I only had to do the short one. YUCK!

Anonymous said...

I must say I'm still pretty impressed by how smart she is...
... even if it's not appropriate!
How was she to know she couldn't try it? Too stinking cute!
I love you!