But yesterday there was no distracting her and so we had some naked time. Nothing wrong with a little naked time.
Today, not thinking, I put Lele down for her morning nap in a t-shirt and diaper. And when I could hear her singing to herself about 45 minutes later I snuck in her room to find her diaper-less, patting a big yellow spot on the mattress.

So I thought I had it figured out... we had to go back to onesies or make sure we had pants on. That way the Velcro was not so interesting. No problem.
That is, until I saw this:
Any sage advice or bright ideas? Besides making her wear zippered footie-pajamas all day long.
Do you think she is interested in potty training? For the past month Megan backs up to the toilet and sits on the end a few times a day and says bubbles. Brian is convinced she's ready, I think she should have dry diapers after naps for awhile before we even begin. But friends here with girls started training at 16months + so maybe? Good luck - and maybe get disposables for awhile and see if they work?
First, that is TOO funny. Yay, Lily! :) (I know, that helps a lot.)
Second, I have a friend, and she will tell you this herself, who used to duct tape her daughter's diapers closed so she couldn't open them herself. She said they were a little bit of a pain to open back up later, but no more messes.
And that is my advice to you. Have fun!
Do you use cloth diapers? Mike and I want to use them once we get our life settled down. Which do you recommend?
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