
Last Minute Chores

We had a chore to finish before Jacob leaves next week.

We ran went out this afternoon and got hardware to anchor the dresser and hutch in Lily's room to the wall. I don't even want to imagine what my climbing monkey could do to herself!

But wouldn't you know it, we had trouble finding wall studs and needed bigger eyes (of the hook and eye persuasion) to put in the wall. So we had to run back out a second time for a stud finder and eyes. And nap time fell right in the middle of our outing.

When we got home we had a very tired girl, but we had to be in her room to finish our project so we put her in our bed where she cried and protested and cried some more. By the time we were done she was quiet so I went in to peek at her. She'd fallen asleep sitting up, and just fell over.

How do little kids sleep like that!?


Ells said...

so cute... and so sleepy!

I liked your info on cloth diapers as well - storing it away for use someday! Thanks!

Meagan said...

I understand her need. There are days when I want to face plant.