
FRG meeting

I just got done with my first solo Family Readiness Group meeting! I did it. I pulled it off. And now that I'm done I'm tired!

Special thanks to my friend Ruth. Little did I realize, but running a meeting with a munchkin is rough. Ruth showed up in the middle of my meeting and whisked my little girl away. I'm sure Lily was much happier playing with Victoria and Ruth and getting all the attention than fighting, trying to get mine anyway. (and I'm sure she ate better too... I'd chose Puerto Rican food over potluck too if given the choice)

Lesson learned: Childcare for FRG nights.

And with that I'm signing off tonight... saving the ever changing nap time conundrum for tomorrow night. :)


Ells said...

Great job Sara!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait until they go just so we can have spouses only meetings. We are having the craziest things happen with spouses just during NTC!! I swear no one has been away from home before. Glad yours went well - is this Ruth from Schweinfurt?!? Tell her I said hi!