Rewind --- I was picking up toys in Lily's room last night and as I stood up something in my low, low back seized and would let go. I couldn't even stand up straight. I crawled to the living room, which had us both laughing so hard, and laid on the floor for the rest of the evening. (where I blogged to you from my iPhone) Jacob had to physically carry me to bed last night... I couldn't walk.
Needless to say I was worried about being able to move this morning, especially with Jacob deploying. But I was able to get out of bed and walking was tough but not impossible so we pushed through.
I had my appointment with the OB this afternoon. I took Lily to my friend Amy's. And the OB said that it sounded like joint pain where my pelvis joins my spine. He said I am more susceptible to it since I have already had one pregnancy, (good ol' elastine!) and that it should get better in about a week. Meanwhile... don't lift Lily as much as possible. And after that, be careful.
New Baby is just fine and dandy, or so I assume since no one said otherwise. ;) Nice heartbeat, if I do say so myself.
I went back over to Amy's to get Lily, where she totally spoiled and took care of me. We hung out and chatted. She gave Dawson and Lily a bath. (bending over is a bit hard for me right now) Lily borrowed some of Dawson's jammies even! She fed us dinner. ...I love her...

And then pulling into our driveway on our way home, I noticed a car pulling into the driveway behind me in the rear view mirror. We have new neighbors! I couldn't resist walking over to introduce ourselves. Nice young couple C, B and their little boy F. He looked to be about five or six months old. They said he's supposed to deploy soon too, so maybe we have new playmates. :) Now if you'll excuse me... I can't stop wondering if my new neighbors have something to sleep on so I have to go offer them my air mattress.