
My Strange Kid

We've been having some "last meals" around here for a few nights now. You know, foods Jacob won't be able to get for a while. Sunday night we had king crab legs. Tonight we had my crock-pot ribs with mashed potatoes and broccoli.

(Yes, I realize he will be able to get mashed potatoes and broccoli while he is gone, but not my crock-pot ribs!)

Well, my kiddo at the broccoli and refused the rest. She is so weird.


Anonymous said...

Wes will eat broccoli over almost anything I make. Can you email your crock pot ribs recipe? And be descriptive with the meat choice since I'm a veggie and have no idea when I walk through the meat aisle what I am buying:)

Beth said...

Instead of emailing Kelly the recipie, I think you should just share it here because I'm curious now too. Crock pot ribs? Yum!