
Back to the Drawing Board

Some of you may remember the diaper drama of last month. Lily had discovered how to take off her cloth diaper covers.

Since then I have reluctantly succumbed to disposable diapers, which somehow managed to stay on. But yesterday and today, all that has changed.

Yesterday Lil managed to get the right tab undone... under her skort... and then proceeded to wiggle the diaper down her left leg. Look Ma, no underwear!

Today Lily passively protested her morning nap by playing through it. (that's a whole other blog post) About half way through the "quiet time" she sounded like she was giggling and enjoying herself a little too much so I went to investigate. Upon opening the door I was greeted with a "Hi!" from my totally naked little girl, who's clothes were on the floor and diaper strewn behind the crib. Guess I should be careful what I wish for.

Time to break out the duct tape.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Maybe she's ready to potty train? Bum, bum, buuuuuuum!